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Remote Operations and Outsource Management: Maintaining Visibility and Accounta

Product Name: Exact Synergy by Exact Software
Download Type: White Paper
Format: .PDF
Published: 6/12/2007
In order to support continued corporate growth objectives, many companies have implemented or considered cost-cutting initiatives through the reallocation of labor or services. Specifically, this shift resides in the outsourcing of specialized services to external companies or the relocation of such in-house operations as manufacturing, accounting, healthcare administration, software development or customer-services
to remote office locations. The execution of such a business model is known as Remote Operations/Outsource Management.

By definition, Remote Operations/Outsource Management (“ROM”) is when an organization outsources corporate services and/or production to either 3rd party companies or internal facilities. These remote operations are located away from direct corporate oversight, and in many cases, thousands of miles and several time zones away from the rest of the operations. The reason is straightforward: lower labor costs and/or a superior abundance of raw materials.

However, in order to fully realize the total fiscal benefits of ROM, these efforts must be managed with the proper tools and technology that can facilitate visibility into all projects and business transactions without compromising the original financial and quality goals. By taking advantage of communications and information technology coupled with low-cost, high quality intelligence via business management tools, organizations can effectively achieve further reduction in overall expenses while avoiding hidden and sometimes significant costs.

Technology tools that have traditionally been used for ROM have been employed to make the remote operations function seamlessly with the corporation’s overall business processes. However, unforeseen overhead costs become apparent as these tools do not succeed in alleviating the communication, control and management problems that arise from ROM.

Without having to jeopardize any of the original fiscal and quality goals of ROM undertakings, organizations, if well-equipped and prepared, can fully address these ROM issues. By emphasizing the management of the relationship of remote operations through streamlining the complexities involved with multiple offices, endors, suppliers and projects, companies can further reduce costs for unseen problems, resulting in even greater cost-savings and profit.

This paper discusses the evolution, methods and resulting problems that emanate from Remote Operations Management as well as a conclusive answer to those issues.

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